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How QR codes helped repair our wall

by Michael Ford last modified 04 Mar, 2022 10:02 AM

In 2021 Sixpenny Handley PCC faced the problem of a crumbling church wall, desperately in need of repair. The wall runs along a footpath popular with dog walkers and villagers, and the Reverend Richard Hancock had an idea to ask for donations as people walked by.

"We researched how to create a QR code which would direct people to our giving web site. This was put on a few posters close to the wall, to explain the problem, why we were short of funds and how people could help.

"Many of you will have seen QR codes; they have been used widely during the last two years so that people could ‘check in’ at pubs and restaurants. They can be scanned by most smart phones – some by just using the camera - and you are then redirected to a website. This saves people typing in long website addresses and of course is much faster. Our QR code directed people straight to our donation page."

"We put up the posters along the wall itself, so it would be seen by people using the footpath. In just a few weeks we had raised over £300 and the funds keep coming months later. It has been well worth the small effort required to do this and has resulted in people asking questions about our Church and becoming more involved. It is also worth adding the code to Service Notice Sheets or on a poster by the door inside your Church, perhaps besides the more traditional Alms Box."

Creating a QR code is much easier than you might think – often the donation platform you use can generate them for you (like Give A Little) – but there are websites that can create them too, like or by scanning this QR code:

Get in touch with Anna, our Giving Advisor, if you need a helping hand., 07500 831566

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