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Latest courses to book online

  • Quiet Day: That peace which the world cannot give

    Quiet Day: That peace which the world cannot give

    Take a day to look for that elusive presence of inner peace.
    Limited places
    Saturday, 8 March 2025, 10:00am
  • LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Training

    LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Training

    Learn practical skills to take the next steps on your inclusion journey and turn your LGBTQ+ inclusive ethos into tangible actions and results.
    Places available
    Saturday, 8 March 2025, 10:00am
  • Flourishing Church Schools

    Flourishing Church Schools

    A session for Clergy to explore what SIAMS expects and how schools and trusts are working towards this goal.
    Places available
    Thursday, 13 March 2025, 9:30am
Learning at STETS
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by ben last modified 26 Apr, 2021 03:47 PM

Courses designed to aid your personal development and Christian work in parishes, schools and the wider world.


All School (CPD, youth and children), Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) and Safeguarding courses** can be booked and paid for where there is a charge (if not PSA or school invoice) online on the courses page here. (**excludes e-learning course)

The information for each course is held on our secure database and automatically refreshes up to course pages every 2 hours. This includes any changes or additional information.

For an illustrated step-by-step guide to registering, booking your course, cancelling a course or help with lost password etc see guides under resources bottom left of this screen. If you are looking for a summary of courses for Clergy/LLM/LPA or LWL see training under ministry menu. If you have any feedback, or if you require any help, please email We are happy to help!

Once you have registered, you can:

    • Pay online by credit card, debit card or PayPal account where there is a course charge. We can reclaim the tax by Gift Aid if you tick the box to say you are a UK taxpayer when you register.
    • On free courses, make a donation towards costs: again Gift Aided if appropriate ** due to go live Mid June 2016  
    • See the status of your booking request and when confirmed. You will also be advised by email
    • See all your course bookings past and present booked here by you on the 'My courses' tab (see image opposite)
    • Cancel your booking  
    • Amend your details & email address yourself on the 'My details' tab

      All these benefits, and no need for cheques or postal charges...!

       Further course information on the Learning Page 



      For teachers, governors and schools workers. These courses can be online as above

      Diocesan Certificate in Church Music 

      Online modules for anyone interested in how we use music in worship.


      Here you will find details and information about our Aldhelm One Year course.


      This details the range of courses for lay and ordained ministers and you can also download the latest CMD Brochure, which can be booked online

      Parish and PCC Training 

      This details training for PCC members.


      You can order and pay online for our range of booklets for the Aldhelm One year Course, LPA & LWL Course books. Please note that if you are attending either an Aldhelm Course or an LPA Course these will be supplied for you as included in the course cost. LWL booklets can be purchased and ordered here for your group, with discounts available on quantity packs. All materials are available to anyone delivered in the UK. If you are abroad and interested in these resources please email the office on 

      Youth and Children 

      This is found under CPD for parish workers.

      RSCM (Royal School of Church Music) courses

      Visit for the latest.

      Sarum College

      Offers a range of full-time, part-time and practice-based ministry training programmes within an ecumenical study, conference and research centre in Salisbury’s Cathedral Close. Sarum College Bookshop is an independent bookshop specialising in theological titles, church supplies, cards and gifts. Click here for the website.

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