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Wholeness & Healing

by Helen Clemow last modified 27 Apr, 2021 10:36 PM

A deepening and development of what is always at the centre of the Gospel.

The Healing Ministry is Jesus’ ministry entrusted to us, always to be exercised with reverence, love and compassion.

The guiding principle is to recognise the presence of God in those receiving this ministry, and honour his presence in them.

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The Diocesan Wholeness and Healing Group

Vision: To see this ministry as part of the normal life of every parish and benefice in the Diocese.

Mission Statement: To promote through training and example, the development of good practice in the Christian Wholeness and Healing Ministry within the Diocese.


  • To support local clergy and their congregations and enable them to encourage the healing ministry to be part of everyday spiritual life in the parish.
  • To encourage LLMs, LPAs and all those involved in ministry to gain deeper understanding of the healing ministry.
  • To be available and responsive to parishes, chapters or individual requests for support, encouragement and teaching.
  • To provide opportunities across the Diocese for specific training events and speakers throughout the year.
  • To enable a greater insight into the availability of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • To develop links ecumenically and with the medical profession across the diocese

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