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Home Learning Courses Understanding Christianity: introductory course (OFFERED OVER 2 DAYS OF TRAINING + RESOURCE)

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by Anna Tucker last modified 16 Oct, 2018 08:00 AM

Understanding Christianity: introductory course (OFFERED OVER 2 DAYS OF TRAINING + RESOURCE)

Exciting resource and training for teaching Christianity KS1 –KS3

Exciting resource and training for teaching Christianity KS1 –KS3
Understanding Christianity: Text Impact Connections offers an approach to teaching and learning about Christianity, with units and supporting resources from EYFS to Y9.

The training provides an introduction and overview of the project, including outcomes, teaching approach, classroom ideas and extensive resources.

This resource is for all schools but this is essential training for all Church schools across the Diocese who have not yet undertaken this training. The format of the training is initially a day conference on 25th September 2018 to introduce the main aspects of the Understanding Christianity materials, followed by a further day of training on 16th January 2019 to embed practice.

You will receive a resource pack as a part of the initial day conference.

The training will be run over 2 days:
25th September 2018 09:15-15:00hrs
16th January 2019: 09:15-15:00hrs
Booking onto the first day automatically enrols you onto day two of the training

If you are attending this session and your school already has a Resource, please indicate this in the NOTES section when booking so that we do not order you a copy.


Course details

Where The Diocesan Education Centre, Wilton SP2 0FG
When 09:15 - 15:00, Tuesday 25 September 2018
Last session Wednesday 16 January 2019
Led by Sarah Sprague, DBE Consultant and ‘Understanding Christianity’ Accredited Trainer
Course suitable for For all schools: Headteachers, RE Subject Leaders, Link Governors. You should attend this course if your school has not yet undertaken the training, or if your RE Subject Leader requires re-training.
Course category RE, Collective Worship & SMSC
Department School/Parishes
Availability Bookings closed
PSA cost PSA Cost: 4 credits per person for 2 days of training. NON PSA cost: £360 + VAT per person. PLUS: there is a cost of £55.00 per school for the Understanding Christianity Resource.
Booking deadline Wednesday, 25 July 2018, 12:00am
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The booking deadline has passed for this course, so you cannot now make a booking.

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