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Home Learning Courses Understanding Christianity for Governors

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by Anna Tucker last modified 18 Jan, 2019 10:00 PM

Understanding Christianity for Governors

Raising governors awareness and knowledge of the new Understanding Christianity resource

Raising governors awareness and knowledge of the new Understanding Christianity resource
The course will introduce governors to the new Understanding Christianity resource which is being used now in many of the Diocesan schools for the teaching of the Christianity element of R.E.

Following the report in 2012, there was a need to increase the rigour and content of the teaching and learning of Christianity within schools. The resource has been created by RE Today to provide a conceptual structure and numerous strategies to ensure children become more religiously literate.

The resource can be used to support the teaching of Christianity from EYFS to KS3. The course is aimed at all governors but may be particularly valuable to link governors for RE within all schools who are using the Understanding Christianity resource and approach.

Governors will be:
Made aware of the structure of the resource
Be able to describe the importance of it in terms of improving children’s religious literacy
Be able to challenge their individual school over how the resource is being used, with the background knowledge available
Be more confident in talking about ‘religious concepts’

Course details

Where The Diocesan Education Centre, Wilton SP2 0FG
When 12:30 - 16:00, Friday 18 January 2019
Led by Sarah Sprague, Consultant Adviser
Course suitable for Suitable for all governors, but particularly valuable to link governors for RE within all schools who are using the Understanding Christianity resource and approach
Course category RE, Collective Worship & SMSC
Department School/Parishes
Availability Bookings closed
PSA cost PSA subscribed schools: 1 credit per delegate. NON PSA subscribed schools: £90.00 + VAT per delegate. Suitable for EYFS to KS3
Booking deadline Thursday, 17 January 2019, 12:00am
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