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Home Learning Courses Re-writing the Bible in Public

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by Adrian Smale last modified 20 Oct, 2020 10:00 PM

Re-writing the Bible in Public

The days of cultural privilege for the Bible are long gone....

The days of cultural privilege for the Bible are long gone....
The days of cultural privilege for the Bible are long gone...

But as a suspect text, it has new, subversive potential. This course explores how the cultural status of the Bible affects interpretation, and how creative, public re-reading of the Bible can re-write stories that quietly enforce the rules by which we live.

Matt Valler is Founder and Executive Director of The Alchemy Project, a creative consultancy exploring the relationship between the Bible and contemporary culture, working with a global community.

This course is run by Sarum College. Visit our courses and events diary to view the full course programme

NOTE August 2020 - This course may revert to being held on Zoom depending on circumstances and numbers outside of anyone`s control

Course details

Where Sarum College, 19 The Close, Salisbury, SP1 2EE
When 10:00 - 16:00, Tuesday 20 October 2020
Led by Matt Valler
Course suitable for All
Course category CMD
Department Discipleship & Training
Availability Bookings closed
Cost per place FREE
Booking deadline Saturday, 10 October 2020, 12:00am
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