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Home Learning Courses RE Assessment and Progression: Beyond Levels

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by Anna Tucker last modified 10 Dec, 2018 02:27 PM

RE Assessment and Progression: Beyond Levels

Navigating the learning journey: Emerging, Expecting, Excelling - developing RE Assessment

Navigating the learning journey: Emerging, Expecting, Excelling - developing RE Assessment
During this session we will scope the current thinking in terms of RE assessment. We will present an assessment model developed as part of a national ‘Assessment and Progression in RE project’ and the materials that have subsequently been developed further within the Salisbury Diocesan region. In developing this model advisers and teachers sought to: • develop a manageable and robust model of assessment and progression in RE rooted in practitioner practice and the needs of schools • focus on developing a model that enables the assessment of how well pupils show secure knowledge and understanding of the core religious concepts they have studied. • consider approaches to evidencing pupil attainment and progress This model includes identifying ‘gaps’ in learning so that teachers are enabled to identify aspects of learning to be re-visited. The model looks at how core religious concepts can be explored progressively at each Key Stage/Phase - thus measuring deepening knowledge and understanding of core concepts as a pupil undertakes their learning journey in Religious Education. We will also share school case studies describing the development of new approaches to assessment in RE. During this practical and interactive day, we will consider how assessment helps teachers and pupils to navigate the learning journey in RE successfully.

Course details

Where The Diocesan Education Centre, Wilton, SP2 0FG
When 09:15 - 15:00, Thursday 6 December 2018
Led by Sarah Sprague, Consultant Adviser
Course suitable for Suitable for all Church & Community Schools: RE subject leaders, Headteachers, Teachers of RE, RE link Governor KS1-3
Course category RE, Collective Worship & SMSC
Department School/Parishes
Availability Bookings closed
PSA cost PSA subscribed schools: 2 credits per delegate. NON PSA subscribed schools: £180.00 + VAT per delegate.
Booking deadline Wednesday, 5 December 2018, 12:00am
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