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Home Learning Courses PSA SUBSCRIPTION ENTITLEMENT: School Leaders new to Church Schools - SESSION 3 (Year 2) Half Day session - MORNING

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by Anna Tucker last modified 11 Feb, 2019 12:00 PM

PSA SUBSCRIPTION ENTITLEMENT: School Leaders new to Church Schools - SESSION 3 (Year 2) Half Day session - MORNING

I’m a new Church school leader – so what?

I’m a new Church school leader – so what?
Sessions 3 and 4 are aimed at School Leaders/Headteachers who took up leadership in 2017/18 academic year
HT who did day 2 in 17/18 but not day 1 could do sessions 1& 3 (all day) as well as session 4 on this cycle, or take a session on to next year.
Please stay and join us for headteacher commissioning if you would like to; please advise if you wish to be commissioned and if you will be inviting a guest to join us from 11.45am. Lunch will follow the commissioning service.
FREE to attend for PSA subscribed schools.
The course content will include:
• Reviewing and developing vision and values – how do I take my whole school with me?
• Distinctiveness into effectiveness – what does it really mean to be a Church school?
• SIAMS inspection – how do I as the Headteacher enable this to have transformational impact on my school?
The intended outcome is to enable Headteachers new to post in Church schools to have a confident knowledge and understanding of what it means to be Headteacher of a Church school.

PLEASE NOTE: this training is run a rotating basis and you can access the training days in order of your date in post. You do not have to complete DAY 1 and DAY 2 in that order. You can complete DAY 2 and then DAY 1 in the next academic year. Please contact Claire Kielty if you are unsure: 01722 746943

DAY 1: 11th February 2019 0830-1200hrs
DAY 2: 19th June 2019 0900-1230hrs

Course details

Where The Diocesan Education Centre, Wilton SP2 0FG
When 08:30 - 12:00, Monday 11 February 2019
Last session Wednesday 19 June 2019
Led by Nicola Coupe, School Improvement Adviser
Course suitable for Sessions 3 and 4 are aimed at School Leaders/HTs in the 2nd year of post
Course category Children, Young People & Families
Department School/Parishes
Availability Bookings closed
PSA cost For NON PSA subscribed schools, the cost to attend each half day will be £90 + VAT per person (£180 + VAT per person for the TWO sessions).
Booking deadline Saturday, 2 February 2019, 12:00am
Login/Sign-up to book this course ›

The booking deadline has passed for this course, so you cannot now make a booking.

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