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Home Learning Courses CANCELLED Giving as part of Discipleship with Anna Hardy, Giving Advisor (Sherborne Archdeaconry)

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by Jennifer Bollands last modified 03 Nov, 2022 10:00 PM

CANCELLED Giving as part of Discipleship with Anna Hardy, Giving Advisor (Sherborne Archdeaconry)

How can we develop our confidence in asking for funds as part of Christian Discipleship?

How can we develop our confidence in asking for funds as part of Christian Discipleship?
I am looking to explore a new way of developing our confidence in asking for funds as part of Christian Discipleship. I am inviting you to join me and fellow clergy members from within your Archdeaconry, to informal in person conversation groups, where we can talk together, consider questions (that I will provide), share stories of fundraising and faith, and consider our different approaches to giving and asking. Together we will uncover the strategies to overcome challenges and take inspiration from the success of others. This autumn we are holding one conversation in each archdeaconry, and we are hoping to continue this into next year if there is demand - so if it is something you would value, please register your interest and encourage others to do so.

PS I am thinking that food will be integral to these conversations… perhaps a simple ‘bring and share’?

Course details

Where St Aldhelm’s Church, Spa Road, Weymouth, DT3 5EW
When 12:00 - 14:00, Thursday 3 November 2022
Led by Anna Hardy, Giving Advisor
Course suitable for Ordained ministers
Course category CMD
Department Discipleship & Training
Availability Bookings closed
Cost per place FREE
Booking deadline Friday, 28 October 2022, 12:00am
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