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Home Learning Courses Excellence in RE Conference 2020

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by Anna Tucker last modified 01 Jul, 2020 10:00 PM

Excellence in RE Conference 2020

"Research, Exploration and Practical Strategies" - an inspiring day with Lat Blaylock

"Research, Exploration and Practical Strategies" - an inspiring day with Lat Blaylock
High-quality training, with a focus on practical classroom ideas and resources.
Sessions include:
• Ofsted and RE - In the light of the new Ofsted Framework, how can we show the intent, implementation and impact of RE? Thoughtful ideas to consider and implement in your school.
• Creative RE - A selection of active strategies to get pupils thinking hard, learning lots and expressing their learning in creative ways.
• Teaching Islam and Hinduism - Some imaginative classroom ideas and resources to try out while deepening your subject knowledge.
Intended Outcomes:
• To provide practical strategies, guidance and resources for teachers and subject leaders in planning creative, thoughtful, rigorous RE to promote deep learning and the personal development of pupils
• Explore different leadership approaches and strategies that ensure better outcomes for pupils
• Introduce and share the Diocesan model of Hub Lead Practitioners
• The chance to network with other teachers and leaders of RE
• The chance to explore resources on display

The conference is open to all schools and academies. Do book early to avoid disappointment.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided

This conference has been sponsored by Sarum St Michael Education Trust (SSMEC)

Course details

Where The Diocesan Education Centre, Wilton, SP2 0FG
When 09:15 - 15:45, Wednesday 1 July 2020
Led by Nicola Coupe plus guest speaker Lat Blaylock – RE Today/NATRE
Course suitable for RE Conference for: RE subject leaders, headteachers, teachers and teaching assistants who teach RE and RE link governors.
Course category RE, Collective Worship & SMSC
Department School/Parishes
Availability Bookings closed
PSA cost Subsidised cost due to sponsorship by Sarum St Michael Education Trust (SSMEC) PSA Schools: £75.00 + VAT per delegate. Schools without PSA Subscription: £150.00 + VAT per delegate
Booking deadline Tuesday, 2 June 2020, 12:00am
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