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Home Learning Courses Effective RE Subject Leadership: how to be a great RE Subject Leader

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by Anna Tucker last modified 22 Jan, 2019 10:26 AM

Effective RE Subject Leadership: how to be a great RE Subject Leader

Great RE subject leadership: the how, the why and the rest!

Great RE subject leadership: the how, the why and the rest!
The course will offer new and existing RE co-ordinators the chance to consider aspects of effective RE subject leadership.

You will be provided with the chance to consider leadership practice that leads to improvement and impacts on pupils.

Examples of effective subject development plans will be shared.

The course will consider what makes an effective RE leader and will offer models and resources for monitoring RE provision, and provide the chance to explore the practice of a RE leader from an outstanding SIAMS school.

The RE strand of the new SIAMS framework will be explored with implications on leadership highlighted.

The intended outcomes are:
• Confident and effective leadership practice
• Subject leader files – what should they contain?
• The chance to learn from outstanding RE subject leaders from within the Diocese
• Attendees will be given a range of monitoring and subject leader resources to use within their own school setting.
• The chance to share and add detail to their own school RE improvement plan
• Confidence and knowledge of aspects of the RE strand of the new SIAMS framework

Suitable for KS 1-4

Course details

Where The Diocesan Education Centre, Wilton SP2 0FG
When 09:00 - 15:30, Wednesday 23 January 2019
Led by Sarah Sprague, Consultant Adviser
Course suitable for RE Subject Leaders
Course category RE, Collective Worship & SMSC
Department School/Parishes
Availability Bookings closed
PSA cost PSA subscribed schools: 2 credits per delegate. NON PSA subscribed schools: £180 + VAT per delegate
Booking deadline Tuesday, 22 January 2019, 12:00am
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