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Home Learning Courses Dealing With Conflict and Building A Healthy Team

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by Jennifer Bollands last modified 17 Nov, 2023 08:00 AM

Dealing With Conflict and Building A Healthy Team

Learn to respond to conflict in a way that builds rather than erodes your team’s unity and cohesion.

Learn to respond to conflict in a way that builds rather than erodes your team’s unity and cohesion.
It can start with something as small as a Sunday morning rota mix up. Or as big as creating a five year plan. Whatever the cause, if it stays unresolved, conflict will drain team morale, wellbeing and productivity. However, if it is approached with skill, sensitivity and care, conflict can be resolved in a way that makes a team stronger and more able to face any future challenge.

In the company of an expert faith informed facilitator, this training will explore the specific ministry context, and develop the skills you need to deal with conflict in the best way. You’ll learn that a healthy team is not absent of conflict, but rather one that is able to address conflict when it arises, and find creative, constructive ways to move forward together.

You’ll also become more confident in your authentic self and find it easier to demonstrate genuine curiosity as you interact with members of your team at parish or diocesan level.

Course details

Where Diocesan Education Centre, Wilton, Salisbury, SP2 0FG
When 13:00 - 16:00, Wednesday 22 November 2023
Led by Thrive Worldwide in partnership with Clergy Support Trust
Course suitable for Clergy
Course category CMD
Department Discipleship & Training
Availability Bookings closed
Cost per place FREE
Booking deadline Wednesday, 15 November 2023, 12:00am
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