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Home Learning Courses AUTUMN TERM: PSA Subscription Entitlement Collective Worship Co-ordinators Programme (01/11/17 Wilton)

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by Adrian Smale last modified 01 Nov, 2017 08:00 PM

AUTUMN TERM: PSA Subscription Entitlement Collective Worship Co-ordinators Programme (01/11/17 Wilton)

Local CPD programme for CW Co-ordinators (EYFS to KS4). NEW network briefings to inspire and transform the delivery of collective worship in schools. FREE to attend for PSA subscribed schools

Local CPD programme for CW Co-ordinators (EYFS to KS4).  NEW network briefings to inspire and transform the delivery of collective worship in schools.  FREE to attend for PSA subscribed schools
Each of the two sessions will focus on exploring key innovative strategies for developing collective worship in your school which impacts on the daily lives of children, young people and staff. The content will also ensure you are up to date with current thinking and expectations.

It is intended that all schools attending will have an understanding of current best practice in collective worship and a set of skills/tools to deliver it, which is developed and built on at each network session.

Course details

Where The Diocesan Education Centre, Wilton SP2 0FG
When 15:00 - 18:00, Wednesday 1 November 2017
Led by Verity Holloway, RE and Collective Worship Adviser
Course suitable for Those who co-ordinate lead on worship in primary and secondary schools
Course category RE, Collective Worship & SMSC
Department School/Parishes
Availability Bookings closed
PSA cost This NEW network briefing is FREE to attend for PSA subscribed schools, as one of the five key areas of work within the PSA entitlement. For Non PSA subscribing schools it is £120 + VAT for two sessions per person. If booking as a NON PSA school, an invoice will be raised at the time of booking by Anna Tucker, and sent to the school.
Booking deadline Tuesday, 31 October 2017, 12:00am
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The booking deadline has passed for this course, so you cannot now make a booking.

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