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Home Learning Courses Aspects of Wellbeing: A Training Day for those in the Ministry of Spiritual Accompaniment

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by Adrian Smale last modified 07 Jun, 2019 08:00 AM

Aspects of Wellbeing: A Training Day for those in the Ministry of Spiritual Accompaniment

This training day for those in the ministry of spiritual accompaniment will explore how we as accompaniers can identify need and encourage wellbeing in those with whom we walk. In particular, when and how do we refer for additional support? Our guest speaker will be Robert Kelso, Bishop’s Adviser for Confidential Care and Counselling.

More information on this event will be circulated as it becomes available.

Course details

Where Community Centre, Market Lavington, SN10 4DG
When 10:00 - 16:00, Saturday 8 June 2019
Led by Jean Boulton-Reynolds and Helier Exon
Course suitable for Spiritual Accompaniers
Course category CMD
Department Discipleship & Training
Availability Bookings closed
Cost per place FREE
Booking deadline Friday, 31 May 2019, 12:00am
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