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Home Learning Courses Acorn Lounge: Praying through Conflict

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by Jennifer Bollands last modified 17 Nov, 2022 10:00 PM

Acorn Lounge: Praying through Conflict

A virtual, informal lounge event exploring grief and loss, run by the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation.

A virtual, informal lounge event exploring grief and loss, run by the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation.
An informal conversation about issues of Christian wellbeing.

Taking into account that you may be needing to unwind from a busy day, we keep the training focused, interactive, and shorter than our daytime events.

At this lounge event we will be exploring Praying through Conflict.
This event will be recorded for training and publicity purposes, however no personal data or confidential information discussed will be shared with third parties. If you do not consent to Acorn using your image or voice for publicity purposes please let us know by contacting

Course details

Where Virtual by Zoom (link will be sent to attendees)
When 19:30 - 21:00, Thursday 17 November 2022
Led by Acorn Christian Healing Foundation
Course suitable for All
Course category CMD
Department Discipleship & Training
Availability Bookings closed
Cost per place FREE
Booking deadline Thursday, 10 November 2022, 12:00am
Login/Sign-up to book this course ›

The booking deadline has passed for this course, so you cannot now make a booking.

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