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Home Learning Courses A Twitch in Time

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by Adrian Smale last modified 10 May, 2017 08:00 PM

A Twitch in Time

Another opportunity to bird watch

Another opportunity to bird watch
May is a great time of year to go bird watching as migrating birds arrive and settle in for the summer. Upton Country Park offers a good range of habitats, diverse bird life, plus the added benefit of a decent café!

Come and join Paul and others for a day out in hopefully fine weather. Twitchers of all ages and experience welcome.

© Can Stock Photo / rkpimages

Course details

Where Upton Country park BH17 7BJ
When 10:00 - 16:00, Wednesday 10 May 2017
Led by Paul Bradbury
Course suitable for Clergy, Lay Licenced Ministers (LLM), Lay Pastoral Assistants (LPA), Lay Worship Leaders (LWL)
Course category CMD
Department Discipleship & Training
Availability Bookings closed
Cost per place FREE
Booking deadline Tuesday, 9 May 2017, 12:00am
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